It doesn’t matter if you're an expectant mom or have already given birth; adoption may be the perfect option for your situation. Women choose to place their children for adoption for many different reasons. Some are not ready to parent, or their home life isn’t safe for a child, and others are just not emotionally and financially prepared to become a mother.
If you’re contemplating making an adoption plan, contact Adoption Angels. We’ll be happy to answer your questions and help you determine if adoption is right for you and your child.
I’m Not Ready To Parent
Your age, marital status, or other children are a few reasons why you may not feel ready to parent your child. Young women in their early teens may feel too young to take on the responsibility. Other women in their 40s may feel too old.
If you are single and your baby's father has no interest, you may not want to tackle raising a child on your own. Married couples can be reluctant to take on parenthood if they have other children or find themselves financially stretched.
You may have just started your college education or begun a new career, and choosing to parent would put your plans on hold. Your future goals are important and deserve to be a part of your decision.
Although no one is completely prepared for parenting, your reasons for not being ready are perfectly valid. You know your abilities and limitations better than anyone.
I Want My Child To Be Safe
Intimate partner violence in the United States is on the rise. One-third of women have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner. It significantly affects women 18 to 24.
Some women choose to place their children for adoption because they are in unhealthy relationships or a violent situation. A parent, husband, or boyfriend with an explosive temper may be angry about the pregnancy and you know it isn’t safe for a child.
If you are in a violent living situation, we urge you to call 800-799-SAFE (7233). Take care of yourself and your child.
I Can’t Give My Child What They Need
Every mother hopes to give her child a better life than she had. Women want to see their children happy, safe, loved, and taken care of financially. Sometimes that means someone else
must take over the parenting responsibility.
Children need stability to be emotionally strong. They need to know the person or people in charge will take care of them and provide for them. Financial security, a place to call home, and a loving family make happy, healthy children.
Is Adoption Right For Me?
Like all of your options, adoption is not an easy choice to make. The best way to be confident about your decision is to learn as much as possible. Our adoption specialists can give you the information you need.
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Contacting us doesn’t mean you’re committing to an adoption plan. It means you’re looking at all of your options and want to know more. Call or text Adoption Angels at (210) 227-2229 or fill out our confidential online contact form. We are here to help you.