Many people misunderstand the adoption process. They mistakenly believe adopted children are troubled and somehow “damaged.” Statistics show that 9 out of 10 adopted children experience adoption benefits such as a safe and secure home environment, financial stability, a two-parent upbringing, and greater opportunities for their future.
Becoming a Potential Adoptive Parent
It isn’t easy to become an adoptive parent today. No matter what type of adoption plan you choose, there are requirements a potential adoptive couple must meet:
Because of the detailed information required, the adoption process quickly weeds out people who aren’t dedicated to providing a loving environment for a child. Adoption requires commitment to one another and the process.
Benefits of Adoption
Adoption provides many benefits for a child. Here are a few:
Safe and Secure Home Environment
Every state requires potential adoptive families to have a home study. The purpose of a home study is to evaluate if a person is fit to be an adoptive parent. A caseworker visits the home to ensure they are able to provide the child with a safe and secure place to live.
The couple is thoroughly interviewed and asked to provide various background checks, records, statements, and references. The caseworker speaks with each member of the household to ensure everyone is onboard with the adoption.
Two-Parent Household
In spite of rising divorce rates, statistics still show that children raised with an involved father experience far greater success than children without. According to the
National Father Initiative, children raised without a father are more likely to:
In a survey by the Adoption Council, almost 70% of all adoptions were to a two-parent household. Once again, the home study evaluates a couple’s marital status and relationship in order to determine if they are qualified to adopt.
Financial Stability
Not only is proof of a stable income required of a couple, the average cost of the adoption can be quite expensive too. As potential adoptive parents pay most legal and medical expenses for the birth mother, they can also be asked to assist her with living expenses such as rent, utilities, and food.
These items can drive up the cost of an adoption significantly. Therefore, a couple needs to be financially stable to consider the adoption process.
Greater Opportunities
Adopted children often have access to better opportunities in life. For instance, they may be able to participate in more sports or extracurricular activities. College or any type of additional education may be more available and, with an involved mother and father, they will achieve better grades in school.
Get More Information
If you would like to learn more about adoption as an option for your child, fill out our confidential
contact form. At Adoption Angels, we can provide you with free assistance such as living and medical expenses, counseling, and so much more. Let’s talk today!